
Showing posts from July, 2024

[Annoucement] International job shadowing program - Open call 2024

Eligibility 1.You must be employed by a nonprofit research institution (institute, university, etc.) 2.You work in one of the following: An imaging core facility as a director, manager, or staff member A research lab with imaging as a central focus where you provide access to microscopy and/or biomedical imaging technologies to researchers in your institution and/or other institutions 3.To ensure fair distribution of travel grants, if you have been awarded a travel grant by Global BioImaging within the last 18 months, you are not eligible to apply. Application form: Application deadline: 9 September 2024 More detail on:


MU-President Policy and Executive Team

New MU-President Policy and Executive Team! List executive board:


This serves as a reminder that possessing power comes with a responsibility to operate within an ethical framework. We must remain vigilant against the misuse of power and ensure that all actions align with established ethical principles. The current situation raises concerns regarding potential deviations from this framework, warranting careful consideration and adherence to ethical guidelines. Loading… Related post:

Biorender (Academic Account)
