
Showing posts from 2018

Quick links for all tools

Tools 1.Inverted fluorescence microscope 2.Upright fluorescence microscope 3.UV-Vis spectrophotometer 4.UVP Hybridization 5.Boekel Hybridization 6.Electroporation Online calendar for all instruments that I have been assigned as custodian. Click How to book the instrument Guidelines to determine the authorship for the people who work in the core facility Click RC Instrument list (yearly check)

Cost of services and tests

To compare the rate - Update in 2019; Ramathibodi Hospital (RC and Patho) Patho Ramathibodi Hospital TU-SAT

Useful links (update: 2025-02-28)

For Ramathibodi Hospital staff 1.Hospital Annual Report 2. Research fund and data analysis 3. Online reserve meeting room Research Center RAMA 3.1. Rule for meeting room reservation Click here!!! The system is not good enough - they don't have the online cancel. 4.  Submitting the projects to Research Center RAMA (new version) All the data from the old version cannot be transferred. 5.Safety training/self-educate @ Research Center RAMA 5.1.Registered microorganisms 6. RC-related forms and documents \\\f\ แบบฟอร์มต่างๆสำนักงานวิจัย (via LAN) http://wss9/sites/hospital/research  (through RAMA only intranet) 7.RC research center (nee...

Inverted Fluorescence Microscope (update: 2024-06-01)

Filter cubes Up to 5 slots, one is left in blank for the bright field Available filters in our facility; 1. UV2A (Longpass filter) 2. B2A (Longpass filter) 3. G2A (Longpass filter) 4. Texas red (Bandpass filter) 5. FITC (Bandpass filter) 6. DAPI (Bandpass filter) -- Phase contrast -- Lens: Plan Fluor 4X/0.13NA Ph1 Plan Fluor 10X/0.3NA Ph1 S Plan Fluor 20X/0.45NA (adjustable correction collar) Ph2 S Plan Fluor 40X/0.60NA (adjustable correction collar) Ph2 S Plan Apo 60X/0.7NA (adjustable correction collar) Only trained personnel will be allowed to change the filters by themselves. Check out type of filters: Manual Nikon Ti-U (Eng-full manual) Fluorescence microscope (Ti Series) - SOP from Tassanee Lerksuthirat Link to download NIS software (only viewer - free) Instructional video Location Cell culture room, microbiology area Only person who has ...

Upright Fluorescence Microscope (update 24 Dec 2024)

Model: Axio Imager 2 (Fully Motorized) - has started the mission on 26 September 2024 White light source: LED Illuminator microLED 2 1.7.1 423053-9072-000 Fluorescence light source: LED Colibri 7 , Type R[G/Y]B-UV - 423052-9730-000 UV (385/30 nm - 370-400 nm)   for excitation of DAPI, Hoechst 33342, Hoechst 33258, Alexa Fluor 350, Alexa Fluor 405, Indo-1, eBFP / BFP, eGFP (wt), True Blue and similar dyes Blue (469/38 nm - 450-488 nm)   for excitation of FM1-43, Cy2, eGFP, NBD, MitoTracker Green, Alexa Fluor 488, BCECF, Calcein, DiO SNAFL, YO-Pro-1, Nissl, LysoSensor Green, mHoneydew, FITC/ Fluorescein, Kaede (green /red), PerCP, YoYo-1, FuraRed and similar dyes Green (555/30 nm - 540-570 nm)   for excitation of TRITC, 7-AAD, Cy3, tdTomato, Alexa Fluor 546, Alexa Fluor 555, DsRed, mOrange, TagRFP, SNARF, DyLight 549, Spectrum Orange and similar dyes Yellow (590/27 nm - 576-603 nm)   for excitation of MitoTracker RED FM/CMXRos, txRed, mCherry, mRFP1, Cy3.5, R...