
Showing posts from 2021

Viral Vector Comittee to go Global University!

 News Feed for Viral Vector Research:

Research Management Comittee

 Update: 2021-12-17

Collection of Nature Methods: Reporting and reproducibility in microscopy

 Please visit:

Damage filters (FITC)

The filters are cloudy. The filter has cracked. All the damaged filters were replaced on Nov. 21, 2021.

Report instrument for repairment

I am informed that this form is used only for fixing stuff within RC. Loading… Original link:

Why building safety culture?

This is a great video worth watching and learning from.  Ref: Research Center Safety Website: It is kind of awkward a bit that we don't have an official website. I have made it by myself for the sake of introducing a safety culture to the research center!

Recommendations for handling image integrity issues

  Original source:

Yearly budget reservation

Note -- I am planning to upgrade the microscope very soon. ---  อ้างถึง หนังสืองานนโยบายและแผน มีที่อว 78.061/ว2078 แจ้งว่า ขอให้หน่วยงานเสนอข้อมูลเพื่อจัดตั้งงบประมาณรายการครุภัฑณ์ ที่ดินและสิ่งก่อสร้าง ประจำปีงบประมาณ 2566 นั้น ในการนี้ ขอให้บุคลากรที่ประสงค์จะจองงบประมาณ เพื่อจัดซื้อครุภัณฑ์ในปี 2566 ที่วงเงินเกิน 1 แสนบาท ยื่นเอกสารดังนี้ 1. เขียนแบบฟอร์มการขอจองงบประมาณ โดยสามารถ Download แบบฟอร์มขอจองงบประมาณฯ ได้ที่ หรือสามารถมารับแบบฟอร์มได้ที่ห้องธุรการ 2. แนบเอกสาร ดังนี้  ** ใบเสนอราคา 3 บริษัท ระบุในใบเสนอราคา “ใช้ในการจัดตั้งงบประมาณ 2566” (เกณฑ์การคัดเลือก จะเลือกบริษัทที่ยอดเงินต่ำที่สุด) ** คุณลักษณะเฉพาะของแต่ละบริษัท 3 บริษัท (มีหัวบริษัท) ** Catalog 3 บริษัท ** คุณลักษณะเฉพาะที่หน่วยงานกำหนด ลงนามโดยบุคลากรผู้กำหนดคุณลักษณะเฉพาะ (ไม่มีหัวบริษัท) ** โครงการที่เกี่ยวข้อง - เอกสารยืนยันจากบริษัท (กรณีที่มีบริษัทเป็นตัวแทนจำหน่ายครุภัณฑ์ชนิดที่จัดซื้อแต่เพียงผู้เดียวในประเทศไทย) -ใบขอรับบริการ จากช่าง สำนักงานวิจัยฯ (ในกรณีที่ขอทดแทน) (**...

Cell Engineering Core

Cell Engineering Core Our group is interested in applying engineering principles to the biological system in order to gain a better understanding of human diseases. Thus, we support research ranging from fundamental cell biology to engineering cells for use as a disease model and therapeutic purposes. Our group is multidisciplinary, with physicians, nurses, researchers, and medical technologists as members. Please see the links below for our publications and teaching experiences. If you are interested in consulting with the research team, please complete the form to reserve a time slot seven days in advance. Current Research Projects Big data and Machine learning Approach for predicting and developing anti-Cancer peptide therapeutics (Big-MAC study) Development of data-driven predictive model for screening of novel inhibitors against the DNA repair enzymes A study of the use of a PARP inhibitor and ATR inhibitor to target cancer cells Enhancing Gene Editing for Precision Treatm...

Science integrity and image duplication

What kind of image manipulation that they have conclude? Category I is defined as, "Figures containing two or more identical panels, either within the same figure or between different figures within the same paper, purporting to represent different experimental conditions." Category II ".included microscopic or blot images with a clear region of overlap, where one image had been shifted, rotated, or reversed with respect to the other." Category III ".consisted of images that were altered with complete or partial duplication of lanes, bands, groups of cells.   sometimes with rotation or reversal with respect to each other, within the same image panel or between panels or figures. " Check out these two webs for image processing; Original article; 10.1165/rcmb.2020-0419LE

Current status of optic fiber condition (switch from inverted microscope to upright)

  As of 21 Aug 2021, one dim spot was observed. Please take good care of the fiber optic.

Update on the microscope condition

We have just learnt from the Nikon technician that our fiber optic has been damaged. This causes a shadow background while visualizing the sample with a mercury lamp (attached herewith), not a bright field. Besides, all the lenses have been contaminated by the immersion oil. This means that there might be some spilled over while rotating the objective lens.   Please make sure to clean "all the objective lenses" properly after finishing your work.  Learn from my deposited video if you are not sure how to properly clean.  The 60X objective lens of the upright microscope does not work properly anymore and I decided not to replace it with a new one since it is extremely expensive.  I decided to switch the optic fiber between inverted and upright. Thus, the shadow will instead appear in the inverted microscope in the cell culture-micro room. We need to place an order for the new optic fiber and I do not know when it will be approved (cost perhaps  >...

How to have Endnote connect with Google docs (update: 2024-04-23)

  I think it is worth to share this trick. Normally, I use sciwheel to cite in the ggDoc.  ---- Thank you for contacting Clarivate.  I understand you would like to have Endnote connect with Google doc. I will glad to assist you on this. It is possible to use EndNote to place citations into a Google Doc. It will take a few steps and you will still need to have EndNote installed on your desktop.  Step 1 : Drag and drop your citations from EndNote to where you want to place them in your Google doc.  Step 2:  When you're finished writing, download your Google doc in Rich Text Format (.rtf) Step 3 : In EndNote, select Tools - Format Paper - Format Paper and choose your .rtf file Step 4 : In the Format Paper dialog box that appears, choose the citation style you want under Output Style and click Format. Step 5 . Save the paper as an .rtf file to your desktop. Note: you will lose the citation formatting if you upload this file back into Google docs so co...

Google Workspace for Education -- limited space issue by next year

 From the news: KDE8u94tGg4hvvDSXX2pL-m9ZW5c Thus, I send the email to confirm whether this will happen in the future - the answer is yes!! (see below) To be prepared, I have followed the suggested link to deal with a large amount of data that I have it in my hand. Below are the links which will help you transfer the data. 1. 2. onedrive%2Cone-time-archive%2Cscheduled-exports 3. 4.

Basic Molecular Biology Techniques

In this blog, I will compile online tutorials that demonstrate how to use basic molecular instruments correctly. As I have observed, some students/staff do not enroll in the instrumental course as a prerequisite, and as a result, they use some instruments without proper care, resulting in the instrument being damaged (wasting time and money on situations which could be prevented if they are knowledgeable). Micropipette

How to effectively run core facility?

We read a lot of research papers but we do not pay attention that much to infrastructure management, especially core facilities. Actually, there are several papers or articles published recently on how to run core effectively and how good facility management helps on research productivity and reproducibility. Scopus search ~ keyword: core facility management; many good articles listed by scanning the QR code below

SDG - sustainable development goals

การจัดอันดับของมหาวิทยาลัย ณ ตอนนี้ถูกนำไปผูกกับการพัฒนาอย่างยั่งยืน ตามรายละเอียดข้างล่าง!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_ order/asc/cols/undefined คอนเซปใหญ่จะมาจากองค์การสหประชาชาติ  UN SDG 1 – no poverty SDG 2 – zero hunger SDG 3 – good health and well-being SDG 4 – quality education SDG 5 – gender equality SDG 6 – clean water and sanitation SDG 7 – affordable and clean energy SDG 8 – decent work and economic growth SDG 9 – industry, innovation and infrastructure SDG 10 – reduced inequalities SDG 11 – sustainable cities and communities SDG 12 – responsible consumption and production SDG 13 – climate action SDG 14 – life below water SDG 15 – life on land SDG 16 – peace, justice and strong institutions SDG 17 – partnerships for the goals สิ่งที่ทำอยู่ match กับข้อไหนของ SDG? บล็อกนี้สามารถสร้างมูลค่าอะไรได้บ้างที่สอดคล้องกับเป้าหมายดั่งกล่าว? 1. ลดการใช้กระดาษเพราะเปลี่ยนมาใช้ระบบการจอง และการลงล็อกบุคออนไลน์ ( https://mini...