Latest article related to publishing microscope image data

A very good suggested guideline article for publishing microscope image data: check out Nature Method.

Community-developed checklists for publishing images and image analyses

As of now, our facility still lacks "Quality Assessment and Reproducibility for Instruments & Images in Light Microscopy (QUAREP-LiMi)", and I don't see any support from any leader at any level so far --- yet, the University would like us to have good quality research.

As I have asked the distributors (4 distributors -- Nikon, Leica, Olympus, and ZEISS), none of them have known this issue, and the specialists lack the program to initiate it. This is because it has costs, and they don't know whether each central facility in each University would like to have this. If no customer, it is worthless for them to initiate this service, thus the core must do it by itself, and it requires skilled personnel and financial support.

Old blogs related to this issue:


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